Customer Testimonials

Our customers are truly the heart of our business. See what some of them have to say about the products and services provided by Advance Agra Service.

“We have been increasing our acreage of Seed Consultants SC11AQ74 and SCS1168YHR for the past several years. These hybrids make excellent yields when growing conditions are favorable and hold up well through heat and drought stress, which occurs often in our part of the world.”

Paul Hammock, Chatham, VA

The last few years, we’ve gone with conventional seed, mostly for the cost savings. We have not seen any reduction in yield or production in any of those varieties. Seed Consultants has a great lineup of conventional seed that always perform well here in the Southern Piedmont of NC.

Craig Corriher, China Grove, NC

“I’ve been growing Seed Consultants soybeans for over 10 years and they have always yielded well for the growing season. In 2018, SCS 9497 yielded 60 bu/A, which is one of my highest yields.”

Charlie Thomas, Winston-Salem, NC

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